At work? Going out for a long period of time? Need someone to take care of your dog (or dogs) for the day?
You’re looking for for dog day care in East Riding of Yorkshire, or near East Riding of Yorkshire.
We love dogs, and our day carers love dogs too! can help you find the perfect place to look after your dog.
You could use our search feature on our home page, or alternatively click your town in the list at the bottom of this page.
From there you can compare the services and prices offered by each of our dog loving day care service providers.
We even have a reviews section, so you can check on feedback.
Please make sure your dog is fully vaccinated before letting someone look after them! Remember they may be in a house or area that other dogs are sharing, or have previously shared.
We’ve included a map of East Riding of Yorkshire below, to show the area we have dog day care services listed.
Dog Day Care services in towns in East Riding of Yorkshire
- Dog Day Care in Adlingfleet
- Dog Day Care in Aike
- Dog Day Care in Airmyn
- Dog Day Care in Aldbrough
- Dog Day Care in Allerthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Anlaby
- Dog Day Care in Anlaby Common
- Dog Day Care in Anlaby Park
- Dog Day Care in Arnold
- Dog Day Care in Arram
- Dog Day Care in Asselby
- Dog Day Care in Atwick
- Dog Day Care in Aughton
- Dog Day Care in Bainton
- Dog Day Care in Balkholme
- Dog Day Care in Barmby Moor
- Dog Day Care in Barmby on the Marsh
- Dog Day Care in Barmston
- Dog Day Care in Beeford
- Dog Day Care in Bellasize
- Dog Day Care in Bempton
- Dog Day Care in Bennetland
- Dog Day Care in Bentley
- Dog Day Care in Berrygate Hill
- Dog Day Care in Bessingby
- Dog Day Care in Beswick
- Dog Day Care in Beverley
- Dog Day Care in Bewholme
- Dog Day Care in Bielby
- Dog Day Care in Bilton
- Dog Day Care in Bishop Burton
- Dog Day Care in Bishop Wilton
- Dog Day Care in Blacktoft
- Dog Day Care in Bolton
- Dog Day Care in Boothferry
- Dog Day Care in Boynton
- Dog Day Care in Brandesburton
- Dog Day Care in Bransholme
- Dog Day Care in Brantingham
- Dog Day Care in Breighton
- Dog Day Care in Bridlington
- Dog Day Care in Brigham
- Dog Day Care in Brind
- Dog Day Care in Broad Ings
- Dog Day Care in Broomfleet
- Dog Day Care in Brough
- Dog Day Care in Bubwith
- Dog Day Care in Buckton
- Dog Day Care in Bugthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Burnby
- Dog Day Care in Bursea
- Dog Day Care in Burshill
- Dog Day Care in Burstwick
- Dog Day Care in Burton Agnes
- Dog Day Care in Burton Constable
- Dog Day Care in Burton Fleming
- Dog Day Care in Burton Pidsea
- Dog Day Care in Camerton
- Dog Day Care in Carnaby
- Dog Day Care in Catwick
- Dog Day Care in Cawkeld
- Dog Day Care in Cheapsides
- Dog Day Care in Cherry Burton
- Dog Day Care in Coniston
- Dog Day Care in Cottam
- Dog Day Care in Cottam Warren
- Dog Day Care in Cottingham
- Dog Day Care in Cowlam
- Dog Day Care in Cranswick
- Dog Day Care in Dairycoates
- Dog Day Care in Danthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Drewton
- Dog Day Care in Driffield
- Dog Day Care in Dringhoe
- Dog Day Care in Drypool
- Dog Day Care in Dunnington
- Dog Day Care in Dunswell
- Dog Day Care in Easington
- Dog Day Care in Eastburn
- Dog Day Care in East Cottingwith
- Dog Day Care in East Cowick
- Dog Day Care in East Ella
- Dog Day Care in East End
- Dog Day Care in Easton
- Dog Day Care in Eastrington
- Dog Day Care in Eight and Forty
- Dog Day Care in Ellerker
- Dog Day Care in Ellerton
- Dog Day Care in Elloughton
- Dog Day Care in Elmswell
- Dog Day Care in Elstronwick
- Dog Day Care in Emmotland
- Dog Day Care in Eppleworth
- Dog Day Care in Etton
- Dog Day Care in Everingham
- Dog Day Care in Everthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Fangfoss
- Dog Day Care in Faxfleet
- Dog Day Care in Fimber
- Dog Day Care in Fitling
- Dog Day Care in Flamborough
- Dog Day Care in Flinton
- Dog Day Care in Foggathorpe
- Dog Day Care in Fordon
- Dog Day Care in Foston on the Wolds
- Dog Day Care in Fraisthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Fridaythorpe
- Dog Day Care in Full Sutton
- Dog Day Care in Ganstead
- Dog Day Care in Gardham
- Dog Day Care in Garrison Side
- Dog Day Care in Garrowby
- Dog Day Care in Garton
- Dog Day Care in Garton-on-the-Wolds
- Dog Day Care in Gembling
- Dog Day Care in Gilberdyke
- Dog Day Care in Gipsyville
- Dog Day Care in Goodmanham
- Dog Day Care in Goole
- Dog Day Care in Gowdall
- Dog Day Care in Gowthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Goxhill
- Dog Day Care in Gransmoor
- Dog Day Care in Great Cowden
- Dog Day Care in Great Field
- Dog Day Care in Great Givendale
- Dog Day Care in Great Hatfield
- Dog Day Care in Great Kelk
- Dog Day Care in Great Kendale
- Dog Day Care in Greenoak
- Dog Day Care in Grey Legs
- Dog Day Care in Gribthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Grimston
- Dog Day Care in Grindale
- Dog Day Care in Haisthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Halsham
- Dog Day Care in Harlthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Harpham
- Dog Day Care in Harswell
- Dog Day Care in Hay Marsh
- Dog Day Care in Hayton
- Dog Day Care in Hedon
- Dog Day Care in Hempholme
- Dog Day Care in Hessle
- Dog Day Care in Hessle Cliff
- Dog Day Care in High Catton
- Dog Day Care in Highfield
- Dog Day Care in High Garth
- Dog Day Care in High Hunsley
- Dog Day Care in Hilderthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Hilston
- Dog Day Care in Hive
- Dog Day Care in Hollym
- Dog Day Care in Holme-on-Spalding-Moor
- Dog Day Care in Holme on the Wolds
- Dog Day Care in Holmpton
- Dog Day Care in Hook
- Dog Day Care in Hornsea
- Dog Day Care in Hornsea Burton
- Dog Day Care in Hotham
- Dog Day Care in Howden
- Dog Day Care in Howdendyke
- Dog Day Care in Huggate
- Dog Day Care in Humbleton
- Dog Day Care in Hutton
- Dog Day Care in Hutton Cranswick
- Dog Day Care in Keyingham
- Dog Day Care in Kilham
- Dog Day Care in Kilnsea
- Dog Day Care in Kilnwick
- Dog Day Care in Kilnwick Percy
- Dog Day Care in Kilpin
- Dog Day Care in Kilpin Pike
- Dog Day Care in Kingston upon Hull
- Dog Day Care in Kirby Underdale
- Dog Day Care in Kirkburn
- Dog Day Care in Kirk Ella
- Dog Day Care in Knedlington
- Dog Day Care in Lakeside Cottages
- Dog Day Care in Langtoft
- Dog Day Care in Laxton
- Dog Day Care in Laytham
- Dog Day Care in Leconfield
- Dog Day Care in Lelley
- Dog Day Care in Leven
- Dog Day Care in Lissett
- Dog Day Care in Little Airmyn
- Dog Day Care in Little Catwick
- Dog Day Care in Little Driffield
- Dog Day Care in Little Hatfield
- Dog Day Care in Little Kelk
- Dog Day Care in Little Leven
- Dog Day Care in Little Reedness
- Dog Day Care in Little Weighton
- Dog Day Care in Lockington
- Dog Day Care in Londesborough
- Dog Day Care in Long Riston
- Dog Day Care in Low Catton
- Dog Day Care in Low Caythorpe
- Dog Day Care in Low Field
- Dog Day Care in Lowthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Lund
- Dog Day Care in Mappleton
- Dog Day Care in Marfleet
- Dog Day Care in Market Weighton
- Dog Day Care in Marton
- Dog Day Care in Meaux
- Dog Day Care in Melbourne
- Dog Day Care in Melton
- Dog Day Care in Meltonby
- Dog Day Care in Menthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Middleton-on-the-Wolds
- Dog Day Care in Midmeredales
- Dog Day Care in Mile House
- Dog Day Care in Millington
- Dog Day Care in Molescroft
- Dog Day Care in Moor End
- Dog Day Care in Nafferton
- Dog Day Care in Neat Marsh
- Dog Day Care in New Arram
- Dog Day Care in New Ellerby
- Dog Day Care in Newland
- Dog Day Care in Newland
- Dog Day Care in Newland Park
- Dog Day Care in Newport
- Dog Day Care in Newsholme
- Dog Day Care in Newton upon Derwent
- Dog Day Care in New Village
- Dog Day Care in North Cave
- Dog Day Care in North Cliffe
- Dog Day Care in North Dalton
- Dog Day Care in North Ella
- Dog Day Care in North Ferriby
- Dog Day Care in Northfield
- Dog Day Care in North Frodingham
- Dog Day Care in North Howden
- Dog Day Care in North Landing
- Dog Day Care in North Marine Estate
- Dog Day Care in North Newbald
- Dog Day Care in Nunburnholme
- Dog Day Care in Nunkeeling
- Dog Day Care in Octon
- Dog Day Care in Old Ellerby
- Dog Day Care in Old Goole
- Dog Day Care in Old Town
- Dog Day Care in Ottringham
- Dog Day Care in Oubrough
- Dog Day Care in Ousefleet
- Dog Day Care in Out Newton
- Dog Day Care in Owstwick
- Dog Day Care in Owthorne
- Dog Day Care in Painsthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Patrington
- Dog Day Care in Patrington Haven
- Dog Day Care in Paull
- Dog Day Care in Pocklington
- Dog Day Care in Pockthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Pollington
- Dog Day Care in Portington
- Dog Day Care in Preston
- Dog Day Care in Rascal Moor
- Dog Day Care in Rawcliffe
- Dog Day Care in Rawcliffe Bridge
- Dog Day Care in Raywell
- Dog Day Care in Reedness
- Dog Day Care in Rimswell
- Dog Day Care in Rimswell Valley
- Dog Day Care in Riplingham
- Dog Day Care in Rise
- Dog Day Care in Rolston
- Dog Day Care in Roos
- Dog Day Care in Ross Moor
- Dog Day Care in Rotsea
- Dog Day Care in Routh
- Dog Day Care in Rowley
- Dog Day Care in Rudston
- Dog Day Care in Ruston Parva
- Dog Day Care in Ryehill
- Dog Day Care in Salt End
- Dog Day Care in Saltmarshe
- Dog Day Care in Sancton
- Dog Day Care in Sandfield
- Dog Day Care in Sand Hole
- Dog Day Care in Sandholme
- Dog Day Care in Scalby
- Dog Day Care in Scamland
- Dog Day Care in Scorborough
- Dog Day Care in Sculcoates
- Dog Day Care in Seaton
- Dog Day Care in Seaton Ross
- Dog Day Care in Sewerby
- Dog Day Care in Shiptonthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Sigglesthorne
- Dog Day Care in Skeffling
- Dog Day Care in Skelton
- Dog Day Care in Skerne
- Dog Day Care in Skidby
- Dog Day Care in Skipsea
- Dog Day Care in Skipsea Brough
- Dog Day Care in Skirlaugh
- Dog Day Care in Skirpenbeck
- Dog Day Care in Sledmere
- Dog Day Care in Snaith
- Dog Day Care in Southburn
- Dog Day Care in South Cave
- Dog Day Care in South Cliffe
- Dog Day Care in South Dalton
- Dog Day Care in South Field
- Dog Day Care in South Newbald
- Dog Day Care in Spaldington
- Dog Day Care in Sproatley
- Dog Day Care in Staddlethorpe
- Dog Day Care in Staddlethorpe
- Dog Day Care in Stamford Bridge
- Dog Day Care in Stepney
- Dog Day Care in Stoneferry
- Dog Day Care in Storwood
- Dog Day Care in Summergangs
- Dog Day Care in Sunk Island
- Dog Day Care in Sutton Ings
- Dog Day Care in Sutton on Hull
- Dog Day Care in Sutton upon Derwent
- Dog Day Care in Swanland
- Dog Day Care in Swine
- Dog Day Care in Swinefleet
- Dog Day Care in Thearne
- Dog Day Care in The Crofts
- Dog Day Care in Thirtleby
- Dog Day Care in Thorngumbald
- Dog Day Care in Thornholme
- Dog Day Care in Thornton
- Dog Day Care in Thorpe le Street
- Dog Day Care in Thwing
- Dog Day Care in Tibthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Tickton
- Dog Day Care in Tollingham
- Dog Day Care in Tophill Low
- Dog Day Care in Towthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Tunstall
- Dog Day Care in Walkington
- Dog Day Care in Wansford
- Dog Day Care in Warter
- Dog Day Care in Water End
- Dog Day Care in Watton
- Dog Day Care in Wawne
- Dog Day Care in Waxholme
- Dog Day Care in Weel
- Dog Day Care in Weeton
- Dog Day Care in Welham Bridge
- Dog Day Care in Welton
- Dog Day Care in Welwick
- Dog Day Care in West Carr
- Dog Day Care in West Cowick
- Dog Day Care in West Ella
- Dog Day Care in West End
- Dog Day Care in West End
- Dog Day Care in Westfield
- Dog Day Care in West Hill
- Dog Day Care in West Hill
- Dog Day Care in West Newton
- Dog Day Care in Wetwang
- Dog Day Care in Whitedale
- Dog Day Care in Whitgift
- Dog Day Care in Wilberfoss
- Dog Day Care in Willerby
- Dog Day Care in Willerby Bottom
- Dog Day Care in Willitoft
- Dog Day Care in Wilmington
- Dog Day Care in Wilsthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Winestead
- Dog Day Care in Withernsea
- Dog Day Care in Withernwick
- Dog Day Care in Wold Newton
- Dog Day Care in Wolfreton
- Dog Day Care in Woodmansey
- Dog Day Care in Wressle
- Dog Day Care in Wyton