At work? Going out for a long period of time? Need someone to take care of your dog (or dogs) for the day?
You’re looking for for dog day care in Oxfordshire, or near Oxfordshire.
We love dogs, and our day carers love dogs too! can help you find the perfect place to look after your dog.
You could use our search feature on our home page, or alternatively click your town in the list at the bottom of this page.
From there you can compare the services and prices offered by each of our dog loving day care service providers.
We even have a reviews section, so you can check on feedback.
Please make sure your dog is fully vaccinated before letting someone look after them! Remember they may be in a house or area that other dogs are sharing, or have previously shared.
We’ve included a map of Oxfordshire below, to show the area we have dog day care services listed.
Dog Day Care services in towns in Oxfordshire
- Dog Day Care in Abingdon-on-Thames
- Dog Day Care in Adderbury
- Dog Day Care in Adwell
- Dog Day Care in Albury
- Dog Day Care in Alkerton
- Dog Day Care in Alvescot
- Dog Day Care in Ambrosden
- Dog Day Care in Appleford
- Dog Day Care in Appleford-on-Thames
- Dog Day Care in Appleton
- Dog Day Care in Ardington
- Dog Day Care in Ardington Wick
- Dog Day Care in Ardley
- Dog Day Care in Ascott d’ Oyley
- Dog Day Care in Ascott Earl
- Dog Day Care in Ascott-under-Wychwood
- Dog Day Care in Ashbury
- Dog Day Care in Asthall
- Dog Day Care in Asthall Leigh
- Dog Day Care in Aston
- Dog Day Care in Aston Rowant
- Dog Day Care in Aston Tirrold
- Dog Day Care in Aston Upthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Bainton
- Dog Day Care in Baldon Row
- Dog Day Care in Balscote
- Dog Day Care in Bampton
- Dog Day Care in Banbury
- Dog Day Care in Barford St John
- Dog Day Care in Barford St Michael
- Dog Day Care in Barnard Gate
- Dog Day Care in Barton
- Dog Day Care in Barton Abbey
- Dog Day Care in Baulking
- Dog Day Care in Baynard’s Green
- Dog Day Care in Bayworth
- Dog Day Care in Beckley
- Dog Day Care in Begbroke
- Dog Day Care in Belmont
- Dog Day Care in Benson
- Dog Day Care in Berinsfield
- Dog Day Care in Berrick Salome
- Dog Day Care in Bessels Leigh
- Dog Day Care in Bicester
- Dog Day Care in Bicester Village
- Dog Day Care in Binfield Heath
- Dog Day Care in Binsey
- Dog Day Care in Bix
- Dog Day Care in Blackbird Leys
- Dog Day Care in Black Bourton
- Dog Day Care in Blackditch
- Dog Day Care in Blackthorn
- Dog Day Care in Bladon
- Dog Day Care in Blenheim
- Dog Day Care in Bletchingdon
- Dog Day Care in Blewbury
- Dog Day Care in Bloxham
- Dog Day Care in Boars Hill
- Dog Day Care in Bodicote
- Dog Day Care in Botley
- Dog Day Care in Bould
- Dog Day Care in Bourton
- Dog Day Care in Bradwell
- Dog Day Care in Bradwell Grove
- Dog Day Care in Bridge End
- Dog Day Care in Brighthampton
- Dog Day Care in Brightwell Baldwin
- Dog Day Care in Brightwell-cum-Sotwell
- Dog Day Care in Britwell Salome
- Dog Day Care in Brize Norton
- Dog Day Care in Broadplat
- Dog Day Care in Broadwell
- Dog Day Care in Brookend
- Dog Day Care in Brookhampton
- Dog Day Care in Broughton
- Dog Day Care in Broughton Poggs
- Dog Day Care in Bruern Abbey
- Dog Day Care in Buckland
- Dog Day Care in Buckland Marsh
- Dog Day Care in Bucknell
- Dog Day Care in Bunkers Hill
- Dog Day Care in Burcot
- Dog Day Care in Burdrop
- Dog Day Care in Bure Park
- Dog Day Care in Burford
- Dog Day Care in Buscot
- Dog Day Care in Buscot Wick
- Dog Day Care in Bushey Ground
- Dog Day Care in Caldecott
- Dog Day Care in Calthorpe
- Dog Day Care in Camp Corner
- Dog Day Care in Campsfield
- Dog Day Care in Cane End
- Dog Day Care in Carswell Marsh
- Dog Day Care in Carterton
- Dog Day Care in Cassington
- Dog Day Care in Catslip
- Dog Day Care in Caulcott
- Dog Day Care in Caversfield
- Dog Day Care in Chadlington
- Dog Day Care in Chalgrove
- Dog Day Care in Chalkhouse Green
- Dog Day Care in Charlbury
- Dog Day Care in Charlton
- Dog Day Care in Charlton-on-Otmoor
- Dog Day Care in Charney Bassett
- Dog Day Care in Charterville Allotments
- Dog Day Care in Chastleton
- Dog Day Care in Chawley
- Dog Day Care in Chazey Heath
- Dog Day Care in Checkendon
- Dog Day Care in Chesterton
- Dog Day Care in Childrey
- Dog Day Care in Chilson
- Dog Day Care in Chilton
- Dog Day Care in Chimney
- Dog Day Care in Chimney-end
- Dog Day Care in Chinnor
- Dog Day Care in Chipping Norton
- Dog Day Care in Chiselhampton
- Dog Day Care in Cholsey
- Dog Day Care in Christmas Common
- Dog Day Care in Church End
- Dog Day Care in Church Enstone
- Dog Day Care in Church Hanborough
- Dog Day Care in Churchill
- Dog Day Care in Clare
- Dog Day Care in Clattercote
- Dog Day Care in Claydon
- Dog Day Care in Cleeve
- Dog Day Care in Cleveley
- Dog Day Care in Clifton
- Dog Day Care in Clifton Hampden
- Dog Day Care in Cogges
- Dog Day Care in Cold Harbour
- Dog Day Care in Coleshill
- Dog Day Care in Collins End
- Dog Day Care in Combe
- Dog Day Care in Compton Beauchamp
- Dog Day Care in Cookley Green
- Dog Day Care in Cornwell
- Dog Day Care in Coscote
- Dog Day Care in Cote
- Dog Day Care in Cothill
- Dog Day Care in Cottisford
- Dog Day Care in Cowleaze Corner
- Dog Day Care in Cowley
- Dog Day Care in Crawley
- Dog Day Care in Cray’s Pond
- Dog Day Care in Crocker End
- Dog Day Care in Cropredy
- Dog Day Care in Crowell
- Dog Day Care in Crowell Hill
- Dog Day Care in Crowmarsh Gifford
- Dog Day Care in Crowsley
- Dog Day Care in Cuddesdon
- Dog Day Care in Culham
- Dog Day Care in Cumnor
- Dog Day Care in Cumnor Hill
- Dog Day Care in Curbridge
- Dog Day Care in Cutteslowe
- Dog Day Care in Cuxham
- Dog Day Care in Dane Hill
- Dog Day Care in Dean
- Dog Day Care in Dean Court
- Dog Day Care in Deddington
- Dog Day Care in Delly End
- Dog Day Care in Denchworth
- Dog Day Care in Denton
- Dog Day Care in Didcot
- Dog Day Care in Dorchester
- Dog Day Care in Down End
- Dog Day Care in Draycot
- Dog Day Care in Drayton
- Dog Day Care in Drayton
- Dog Day Care in Drayton St Leonard
- Dog Day Care in Dry Sandford
- Dog Day Care in Ducklington
- Dog Day Care in Dunsden Green
- Dog Day Care in Duns Tew
- Dog Day Care in Dunthrop
- Dog Day Care in Easington
- Dog Day Care in Easington
- Dog Day Care in East Adderbury
- Dog Day Care in East Challow
- Dog Day Care in Eastend
- Dog Day Care in East End
- Dog Day Care in East End
- Dog Day Care in East End
- Dog Day Care in East Ginge
- Dog Day Care in East Hagbourne
- Dog Day Care in East Hanney
- Dog Day Care in East Hendred
- Dog Day Care in East Lockinge
- Dog Day Care in Eaton
- Dog Day Care in Eaton Hastings
- Dog Day Care in Elsfield
- Dog Day Care in Emmington
- Dog Day Care in Enslow
- Dog Day Care in Enstone
- Dog Day Care in Epwell
- Dog Day Care in Ewelme
- Dog Day Care in Exlade Street
- Dog Day Care in Eynsham
- Dog Day Care in Faringdon
- Dog Day Care in Farmoor
- Dog Day Care in Fawler
- Dog Day Care in Fawler
- Dog Day Care in Fencott
- Dog Day Care in Fernham
- Dog Day Care in Fewcott
- Dog Day Care in Field Assarts
- Dog Day Care in Fifield
- Dog Day Care in Filchampstead
- Dog Day Care in Filkins
- Dog Day Care in Finmere
- Dog Day Care in Finstock
- Dog Day Care in Florence Park
- Dog Day Care in Fordwells
- Dog Day Care in Forest Hill
- Dog Day Care in Foscot
- Dog Day Care in Foxcombe Hill
- Dog Day Care in Freeland
- Dog Day Care in Frilford
- Dog Day Care in Frilford Heath
- Dog Day Care in Fringford
- Dog Day Care in Fritwell
- Dog Day Care in Fulbrook
- Dog Day Care in Fulwell
- Dog Day Care in Gagingwell
- Dog Day Care in Gainfield
- Dog Day Care in Gallowstree Common
- Dog Day Care in Garden City
- Dog Day Care in Garford
- Dog Day Care in Garsington
- Dog Day Care in Gibralter
- Dog Day Care in Glympton
- Dog Day Care in Godington
- Dog Day Care in Golden Balls
- Dog Day Care in Goosey
- Dog Day Care in Goring
- Dog Day Care in Goring Heath
- Dog Day Care in Gosford
- Dog Day Care in Gozzard’s Ford
- Dog Day Care in Grafton
- Dog Day Care in Grandpont
- Dog Day Care in Great Bourton
- Dog Day Care in Great Coxwell
- Dog Day Care in Great Haseley
- Dog Day Care in Great Holcombe
- Dog Day Care in Great Milton
- Dog Day Care in Great Rollright
- Dog Day Care in Great Tew
- Dog Day Care in Greenend
- Dog Day Care in Greenwood
- Dog Day Care in Greys Green
- Dog Day Care in Grimsbury
- Dog Day Care in Grove
- Dog Day Care in Hailey
- Dog Day Care in Hailey
- Dog Day Care in Hampton Gay
- Dog Day Care in Hampton Poyle
- Dog Day Care in Hanwell
- Dog Day Care in Harcourt Hill
- Dog Day Care in Hardwick
- Dog Day Care in Hardwick
- Dog Day Care in Hardwick
- Dog Day Care in Harpsden
- Dog Day Care in Harpsden Bottom
- Dog Day Care in Harpsden Heights
- Dog Day Care in Harwell
- Dog Day Care in Hatford
- Dog Day Care in Headington
- Dog Day Care in Headington Hill
- Dog Day Care in Headington Quarry
- Dog Day Care in Heathfield Village
- Dog Day Care in Hempton
- Dog Day Care in Hempton Wainhill
- Dog Day Care in Henley-on-Thames
- Dog Day Care in Hensington
- Dog Day Care in Henton
- Dog Day Care in Henwood
- Dog Day Care in Hethe
- Dog Day Care in Heythrop
- Dog Day Care in High Cogges
- Dog Day Care in Highfield
- Dog Day Care in Highmoor
- Dog Day Care in Highmoor Cross
- Dog Day Care in Hill Bottom
- Dog Day Care in Hinton Waldrist
- Dog Day Care in Holton
- Dog Day Care in Holwell
- Dog Day Care in Hook End
- Dog Day Care in Hook Norton
- Dog Day Care in Hopcroft’s Holt
- Dog Day Care in Horley
- Dog Day Care in Hornton
- Dog Day Care in Horspath
- Dog Day Care in Horton-cum-Studley
- Dog Day Care in Huntercombe End
- Dog Day Care in Idbury
- Dog Day Care in Idstone
- Dog Day Care in Iffley
- Dog Day Care in Ipsden
- Dog Day Care in Islip
- Dog Day Care in Kelmscott
- Dog Day Care in Kencot
- Dog Day Care in Kennington
- Dog Day Care in Kiddington
- Dog Day Care in Kidlington
- Dog Day Care in Kidmore End
- Dog Day Care in Kingham
- Dog Day Care in King’s End
- Dog Day Care in Kingston Bagpuize
- Dog Day Care in Kingston Blount
- Dog Day Care in Kingstone Winslow
- Dog Day Care in Kingston Lisle
- Dog Day Care in Kingston Stert
- Dog Day Care in Kingwood Common
- Dog Day Care in Kirtlington
- Dog Day Care in Knighton
- Dog Day Care in Langford
- Dog Day Care in Langford Village
- Dog Day Care in Launton
- Dog Day Care in Ledwell
- Dog Day Care in Letcombe Bassett
- Dog Day Care in Letcombe Regis
- Dog Day Care in Lew
- Dog Day Care in Lewknor
- Dog Day Care in Lidstone
- Dog Day Care in Little Bourton
- Dog Day Care in Little Chesterton
- Dog Day Care in Little Clanfield
- Dog Day Care in Little Coxwell
- Dog Day Care in Little Faringdon
- Dog Day Care in Little Haseley
- Dog Day Care in Little Heath
- Dog Day Care in Little Milton
- Dog Day Care in Little Minster
- Dog Day Care in Littlemore
- Dog Day Care in Little Rollright
- Dog Day Care in Littlestead Green
- Dog Day Care in Little Tew
- Dog Day Care in Little Wittenham
- Dog Day Care in Littleworth
- Dog Day Care in Littleworth
- Dog Day Care in Lodge Hill
- Dog Day Care in Longcot
- Dog Day Care in Long Hanborough
- Dog Day Care in Long Wittenham
- Dog Day Care in Longworth
- Dog Day Care in Lower Arncott
- Dog Day Care in Lower Assendon
- Dog Day Care in Lower Bourton
- Dog Day Care in Lower Heyford
- Dog Day Care in Lower Highmoor
- Dog Day Care in Lower Radley
- Dog Day Care in Lower Shiplake
- Dog Day Care in Lower Tadmarton
- Dog Day Care in Lower Wainhill
- Dog Day Care in Lower Wolvercote
- Dog Day Care in Lyford
- Dog Day Care in Lyneham
- Dog Day Care in Mackney
- Dog Day Care in Maidensgrove
- Dog Day Care in Mapledurham
- Dog Day Care in Marcham
- Dog Day Care in Marsh Baldon
- Dog Day Care in Marston
- Dog Day Care in Meadside
- Dog Day Care in Merton
- Dog Day Care in Middle Assendon
- Dog Day Care in Middle Aston
- Dog Day Care in Middle Barton
- Dog Day Care in Middleton Stoney
- Dog Day Care in Milcombe
- Dog Day Care in Millend
- Dog Day Care in Milton
- Dog Day Care in Milton
- Dog Day Care in Milton Common
- Dog Day Care in Milton Heights
- Dog Day Care in Milton Hill
- Dog Day Care in Milton-under-Wychwood
- Dog Day Care in Minster Lovell
- Dog Day Care in Mixbury
- Dog Day Care in Mollington
- Dog Day Care in Mongewell
- Dog Day Care in Moreton
- Dog Day Care in Moreton
- Dog Day Care in Moulsford
- Dog Day Care in Mount Skippett
- Dog Day Care in Murcott
- Dog Day Care in Neat Enstone
- Dog Day Care in Neithrop
- Dog Day Care in Nethercote
- Dog Day Care in Nether Worton
- Dog Day Care in Nettlebed
- Dog Day Care in New Botley
- Dog Day Care in Newbridge
- Dog Day Care in New Headington
- Dog Day Care in New Hinksey
- Dog Day Care in Newington
- Dog Day Care in Newland
- Dog Day Care in New Marston
- Dog Day Care in Newnham Murren
- Dog Day Care in New Osney
- Dog Day Care in Newton Purcell
- Dog Day Care in Newtown
- Dog Day Care in New Yatt
- Dog Day Care in Noke
- Dog Day Care in Norham Manor
- Dog Day Care in North Aston
- Dog Day Care in Northcourt
- Dog Day Care in North Hinksey Village
- Dog Day Care in North Leigh
- Dog Day Care in Northmoor
- Dog Day Care in North Moreton
- Dog Day Care in North Newington
- Dog Day Care in North Stoke
- Dog Day Care in Nuffield
- Dog Day Care in Nuneham Courtenay
- Dog Day Care in Nuney Green
- Dog Day Care in Oakley
- Dog Day Care in Oakley Court
- Dog Day Care in Oakley Wood
- Dog Day Care in Oddington
- Dog Day Care in Old Chalford
- Dog Day Care in Old Woodstock
- Dog Day Care in Osney
- Dog Day Care in Over Kiddington
- Dog Day Care in Over Norton
- Dog Day Care in Over Worton
- Dog Day Care in Overy
- Dog Day Care in Oxford
- Dog Day Care in Oxford Spires Park
- Dog Day Care in Park Corner
- Dog Day Care in Park Town
- Dog Day Care in Path Hill
- Dog Day Care in Peachcroft
- Dog Day Care in Peppard Hill
- Dog Day Care in Piddington
- Dog Day Care in Pishill
- Dog Day Care in Pishill Bank
- Dog Day Care in Pishill Bottom
- Dog Day Care in Play Hatch
- Dog Day Care in Poffley End
- Dog Day Care in Postcombe
- Dog Day Care in Preston Crowmarsh
- Dog Day Care in Pusey
- Dog Day Care in Pyrton
- Dog Day Care in Rack End
- Dog Day Care in Radcot
- Dog Day Care in Radford
- Dog Day Care in Radfordbridge
- Dog Day Care in Radley
- Dog Day Care in Radley Park
- Dog Day Care in Ramsden
- Dog Day Care in Risinghurst
- Dog Day Care in Roke
- Dog Day Care in Rokemarsh
- Dog Day Care in Rose Hill
- Dog Day Care in Rotherfield Greys
- Dog Day Care in Rotherfield Peppard
- Dog Day Care in Rousham
- Dog Day Care in Rowstock
- Dog Day Care in Ruscote
- Dog Day Care in Russell’s Water
- Dog Day Care in Salford
- Dog Day Care in Sandford-on-Thames
- Dog Day Care in Sandford St Martin
- Dog Day Care in Sandhills
- Dog Day Care in Sarsden
- Dog Day Care in Sarsden Halt
- Dog Day Care in Satwell
- Dog Day Care in Scotland End
- Dog Day Care in Shellingford
- Dog Day Care in Shenington
- Dog Day Care in Shepherd’s Green
- Dog Day Care in Shifford
- Dog Day Care in Shillingford
- Dog Day Care in Shilton
- Dog Day Care in Shiplake
- Dog Day Care in Shiplake Bottom
- Dog Day Care in Shiplake Row
- Dog Day Care in Shippon
- Dog Day Care in Shipton-on-Cherwell
- Dog Day Care in Shipton under Wychwood
- Dog Day Care in Shirburn
- Dog Day Care in Shores Green
- Dog Day Care in Shorthampton
- Dog Day Care in Shotover Hill
- Dog Day Care in Shrivenham
- Dog Day Care in Shutford
- Dog Day Care in Sibford Ferris
- Dog Day Care in Sibford Gower
- Dog Day Care in Signet
- Dog Day Care in Slade End
- Dog Day Care in Somerton
- Dog Day Care in Sonning Common
- Dog Day Care in Sonning Eye
- Dog Day Care in Souldern
- Dog Day Care in Southcombe
- Dog Day Care in South Hinksey
- Dog Day Care in South Leigh
- Dog Day Care in Southmoor
- Dog Day Care in South Moreton
- Dog Day Care in South Newington
- Dog Day Care in Southrop
- Dog Day Care in South Stoke
- Dog Day Care in South Weston
- Dog Day Care in Sparsholt
- Dog Day Care in Spelsbury
- Dog Day Care in Stadhampton
- Dog Day Care in Standlake
- Dog Day Care in Stanford in the Vale
- Dog Day Care in Stanton Harcourt
- Dog Day Care in Stanton St John
- Dog Day Care in Steeple Aston
- Dog Day Care in Steeple Barton
- Dog Day Care in Steventon
- Dog Day Care in Stoke Lyne
- Dog Day Care in Stoke Row
- Dog Day Care in Stoke Talmage
- Dog Day Care in Stonesfield
- Dog Day Care in Stonor
- Dog Day Care in Stratton Audley
- Dog Day Care in Summertown
- Dog Day Care in Sunningwell
- Dog Day Care in Sunnymead
- Dog Day Care in Sutton
- Dog Day Care in Sutton Courtenay
- Dog Day Care in Swalcliffe
- Dog Day Care in Swerford
- Dog Day Care in Swinbrook
- Dog Day Care in Swinford
- Dog Day Care in Sydenham
- Dog Day Care in Tackley
- Dog Day Care in Tadmarton
- Dog Day Care in Taston
- Dog Day Care in Taynton
- Dog Day Care in Temple Cowley
- Dog Day Care in Tetsworth
- Dog Day Care in Thame
- Dog Day Care in The Green
- Dog Day Care in Thrupp
- Dog Day Care in Tiddington
- Dog Day Care in Tokers Green
- Dog Day Care in Toot Baldon
- Dog Day Care in Towersey
- Dog Day Care in Trench Green
- Dog Day Care in Tubney
- Dog Day Care in Tusmore
- Dog Day Care in Twyford
- Dog Day Care in Uffington
- Dog Day Care in Upper Arncott
- Dog Day Care in Upper Heyford
- Dog Day Care in Upper Milton
- Dog Day Care in Upperton
- Dog Day Care in Upper Wardington
- Dog Day Care in Upper Wolvercote
- Dog Day Care in Upton
- Dog Day Care in Upton
- Dog Day Care in Wallingford
- Dog Day Care in Walton Manor
- Dog Day Care in Wantage
- Dog Day Care in Warborough
- Dog Day Care in Wardington
- Dog Day Care in Warpsgrove
- Dog Day Care in Watchfield
- Dog Day Care in Waterperry
- Dog Day Care in Waterstock
- Dog Day Care in Watlington
- Dog Day Care in Weald
- Dog Day Care in Well Place
- Dog Day Care in Wendlebury
- Dog Day Care in West Adderbury
- Dog Day Care in West Challow
- Dog Day Care in Westcot
- Dog Day Care in Westcott Barton
- Dog Day Care in Westend
- Dog Day Care in West End
- Dog Day Care in West Ginge
- Dog Day Care in West Hagbourne
- Dog Day Care in Westhall Hill
- Dog Day Care in West Hanney
- Dog Day Care in West Hendred
- Dog Day Care in West Lockinge
- Dog Day Care in Weston-on-the-Green
- Dog Day Care in Westwell
- Dog Day Care in Wheatley
- Dog Day Care in Whistlow
- Dog Day Care in Whitchurch Hill
- Dog Day Care in Whitchurch-on-Thames
- Dog Day Care in Whiteoak Green
- Dog Day Care in Wigginton
- Dog Day Care in Wigginton Heath
- Dog Day Care in Wilcote
- Dog Day Care in Wildmoor
- Dog Day Care in Williamscot
- Dog Day Care in Winterbrook
- Dog Day Care in Witheridge Hill
- Dog Day Care in Witney
- Dog Day Care in Wolvercote
- Dog Day Care in Woodcote
- Dog Day Care in Woodeaton
- Dog Day Care in Woodfield
- Dog Day Care in Woodgreen
- Dog Day Care in Woodleys
- Dog Day Care in Woodstock
- Dog Day Care in Woodway
- Dog Day Care in Woolstone
- Dog Day Care in Wootton
- Dog Day Care in Wootton
- Dog Day Care in Worsham
- Dog Day Care in Worton
- Dog Day Care in Wroxton
- Dog Day Care in Wytham